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Only 46 days left until the EdYOUfest Athens Conference begins!

Published Bernice on Thursday, July 13, 2023 12:47 PM

 Only 46 days left until the EdYOUfest Athens Conference begins!

Hurry, time is running out! There have just a few last spaces available for this incredible event, which is a mere 46 days away. Don't miss out on this unparalleled opportunity for professional growth, networking, and discovering the latest trends in education.

EdYOUfest was founded in 2015 with a single mission: to be the most successful, creative, and ground-breaking English Language Teacher community in the world. 

EdYOUfest was conceived by Chuck Sandy and Giovanni Rottura in the summer of 2015, with the aim of providing English language teachers with more opportunities to share their training experiences while also having fun together. After organizing numerous training and development events for teachers worldwide, it became clear that a gathering was needed that would create a space for teachers to meet, develop friendships, and foster collaboration that would last beyond the event.

The name EdYOUfest, short for "educational festival," was chosen to reflect the event's focus on teachers and education professionals.

You can find out more about how to register for this event here.

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